From the bottom up, I filled my large NutriBullet cup with:
- 1 leaf organic kale
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 carrot
- about a handful of raspberries
- about a handful of frozen blueberries
- 1 tablespoon red macca powder
As with every NutriBlast, these fruits and veggies get covered up with water and then pulverized into a nutritious smoothie that looks like this:
The more frozen fruit you can add to a blast, the better. I’m used to semi-warm, room temperature blasts made with filtered (but not chilled) tap water. Cold water helps, but when I started using frozen bananas a while ago, and it went from room temp to tasty. This week I’ve been adding frozen blueberries too, and the frozen fruit makes a huge difference.
It was a delicious, nutrient-packed start to the day, especially when paired with scrambled eggs and bacon: