Turkey Cacciatore Meatballs with Mango Basil Linguine
Bacon-Wrapped Chicken
This recipe is ridiculously simple, and it works double-time to quell a hunger twice as big as the effort it requires. So, in five easy steps:
1. Flatten a chicken breast.
2. Spread with cream cheese, top with onions. (The original recipe called for sweet onions. I had red, so that’s what I used, and topped it off with some fresh cilantro.)
3. Meanwhile, fry bacon but remove from heat before it starts to crisp.
4. Roll up chicken and wrap bacon around it, securing with toothpicks.
* Extra step: I thinly sliced a small potato, sprinkling with olive oil, salt, pepper and the remaining onions. If you slice it too thick, they won’t bake as fast as the chicken.
5. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes. My oven runs hot, so for me it was more like 325 degrees for 25 minutes.
Here’s what it looks like headed into the oven — pretty fancy already:
And the finished dish, with some sour cream and fresh parsley added to the potatoes: